Benchmark for Cross-Media Retrieval


Wikipedia Dataset. Wikipedia dataset [1] is the most widely-used dataset for cross-media retrieval. It is based on Wikipedia’s "featured articles", a continually updated article collection. There are totally 29 categories in "featured articles", but only 10 most populated ones are actually considered. Each article is split into several sections according to its section headings, and this dataset is finally generated as a set of 2,866 image/text pairs. As an important benchmark dataset for cross-media retrieval, Wikipedia dataset has been widely used since being publicly available.

PKU XMedia Dataset. PKU XMedia dataset [2] is a new cross-media retrieval dataset built by us. We choose 20 categories, namely insect, bird, wind, dog, tiger, explosion, elephant, flute, airplane, drum, train, laughter, wolf, thunder, horse, autobike, gun, stream, piano and violin. For each category, we collect the data of 5 media types: 250 texts, 250 images, 25 videos, 50 audio clips and 25 3D models, so there are 600 media instances with each category and the total number of media instances is 12,000. All of the media instances are crawled from the famous websites on the Internet. PKU XMedia dataset is the first cross-media retrieval dataset with 5 media types (text, image, video, audio and 3D model), and it can be used for more comprehensive and fair evaluation.

NUS-WIDE Dataset. NUS-WIDE dataset [3] is a web image dataset created by NUS’s Lab for media search, including images and their associated tags. The images and tags are all randomly crawled from Flickr through its public API. With the duplicated images removed, there are 269,648 images in NUS-WIDE dataset. To further improve the quality of tags, those tags that do not exist in WordNet are removed. So finally 5,018 unique tags are corresponded with images, and each image is associated with 6 tags in average. NUS-WIDE is a relatively large dataset, but it only contains images and their tags.

Pascal VOC 2007 Dataset. The Pascal Visual Object Classes (VOC) challenge [4] is a benchmark in visual object category recognition and detection. Pascal VOC 2007 is the most popular Pascal VOC dataset in cross-media retrieval. It consists of 9,963 images from Pascal VOC challenge, and the image annotation serves as the text modality. The annotations are defined over a vocabulary of 804 keywords, and divided into 20 categories. This dataset is divided into a collection of 5,011 images as the training set, and a collection of 4,952 images as the test set.

Clickture dataset. Clickture dataset [5] is a large-scale click-based image dataset, which is collected from one-year click-through data of a commercial image search engine. The full Clickture dataset consists of 40 million images and 73.6 million text queries. It also has a subset Clickture-Lite with 1.0 million images and 11.7 million text queries. Following recent works as [6], [7], we take Clickture-Lite for experimental evaluation. The training set consists of 23.1 million query-image-click triads, where "click” is an integer to indicate the relevance between the image and query, and the test set has 79,926 query-image pairs generated from 1,000 text queries.


For Wikipedia, PKU XMedia and Clickture datasets, we take the same strategy as [1] to generate both text and image representations, and the representations of videos, audio clips and 3D models are the same as [2]. In detail, each image is represented by a BoVW histogram of a 128-codeword SIFT codebook and each text is represented by a histogram of a 10-topic LDA model. Audio clips are represented by 29-dimensional MFCC feature. Each video is segmented into several video shots first, then 128-dimensional BoVW histogram feature are extracted for each video keyframe. Each 3D model is represented by the concatenated 4,700-dimensional vector of a LightField descriptor set as described in [8]. For NUS-WIDE dataset, we use 1,000-dimensional word frequency based tag feature and 500-dimensional BoVW image feature provided by the authors of [3]. For Pascal VOC 2007 dataset, we use publicly available feature for the experiment, which is just the same as [9], where 399-dimensional word frequency feature is used for text, and 512-dimensional GIST feature is used for images. The above feature extraction strategy is adopted for all methods in our experiment except DCMIT [10]. because its architecture contains networks for taking the original image and text as input. However, DCMIT doesn’t involve corresponding networks for video, audio and 3D model, so we use extracted feature of these 3 media types, which keeps the same as other methods.

We also conduct experiments on Wikipedia and PKU XMedia datsets, with BoW feature for text, and CNN feature for image/video, to show the performance about different feature. We use 4,096-dimensional CNN feature extracted by the fc7 layer of AlexNet, and 3,000-dimensional BoW text feature. All the compared methods are included in the experiment of feature change except DCMIT because it takes the original image and text instances as input, and doesn't need extracted image and text feature.

On Wikipedia dataset, we take 2,173 image/text pairs for training and 693 image/text pairs for testing, and PKU XMedia dataet is randomly split into a training set of 9,600 media objects and a test set of 2,400 media objects. As for NUS-WIDE, some of the URLs provided by the dataset are invalid. So we select image/text pairs that exclusively belong to one of the 10 largest categories from valid URLs, as a result the size of training set is 58,620 and the test set has a total size of 38,955. Pascal VOC 2007 dataset is split into a training set with 5,011 image/text pairs and a test set with 4,952 image/text pairs. The images containing only one object are selected in the experiment, and finally there are 2,808 image/text pairs in training set and 2,841 image/text pairs in test set.

Experimental Results:

3 retrieval tasks are conducted for the objective evaluations on cross-media retrieval:

The compared methods of task 1) and 2) are as follows.

The compared methods of task 3) are as follows.

We evaluate the retrieval results on Wikipedia, PKU XMedia, NUS-WIDE and Pascal VOC 2007 Datasets with the mean average precision (MAP) scores and precision-recall (PR) curves, which are widely used in information retrieval. Clickture dataset has no category labels for evaluation with MAP and PR curves. Instead, it consists of many text queries, and for each text query there are multiple images along with the relevance between images and query, which is uni-directional relevance groundtruth. Following [6], [7], we conduct the text-based image retrieval task for each text query, and take Discounted Cumulative Gain for top 25 results (DCG@25) as evaluation metric. Because Clickture dataset has no category labels for supervised training, so we conduct un-supervised methods (BITR, CCA, CFA, DCMIT), while all the methods are conducted on the other datasets Wikipedia, PKU XMedia, NUS-WIDE, and Pascal VOC.

Experimental results of these compared methods are reported in Table 1-Table 4 as below.   Click to show ↓

Experimental results of these compared methods with other feature are reported in Table 5-Table 11 as below.   Click to show ↓

PR curves of these compared methods are reported as below.   Click to show ↓ ( The data of PR curves can be downloaded in Download Section. )

Download the evaluate code to calculate MAP and create plots of PR for retrieval results.

Download the data of PR curves of retrieval results.

New results: please send your results and publication to to update your results in Table 1-Table 11.

Time Consumption:

Table 12: Running time of multi-modality cross-media retrieval task for the compared methods on Wikipedia dataset

Time(s) 94.1 0.8 1.6 0.9 19.4 0.8 7.5 9.7 10.1 0.7 296.6 0.8 24.1

Table 12 shows the time consumption of referred crossmedia retrieval methods. We evaluate their efficiency on Wikipedia dataset by using 128-dimensional BoVW histogram image feature and 10-dimensional LDA text feature on a PC with an i7 4790K CPU and 16 GB memory. For fair comparison, we measure the time consumption of the whole running process of multi-modality cross-media retrieval for all these methods, including the training and test stage.

Time complexity of some representative compared methods: (n is the number of samples, d is the dimension of feature and k is the number of nearest neighbors in kNN algorithm)

Source Codes:

Download the example source codes for CMCP[14], HSNN[15], JRL[2], JGRHML[16], S2UPG[19] and CMDN[23], please download the Release Agreement, read it carefully, and complete it appropriately. Note that the agreement needs a handwritten signature by a full-time staff member (that is, student is not acceptable). Then, please scan the signed agreement and send it to SiBo Yin ( If you are from the mainland of China, please sign the agreement in Chinese rather than English. Then we will verify your request and contact you on how to download the source codes.


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